Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Will you be using your HBC credit card today?

Guess what! I get to go back to work again. Boooooooo. . . . I was so enjoying not having to work at Zellers for the past month (because they had no work for me). Just don't like it there at all.
I dropped off my resume at a few places for something else, but I'm not looking too hard. I would like something different for this summer though. I'll guess I'll start looking more towards the end of next month. For now I'm alright with Smellers. . .for now.
I did get in contact with someone about the Confederation players (you know, the people that dress up as John A. MacDonald and company) and they asked for my resume. It would be awesome if something came out of that. I did it for an afternoon when I was in grade six (some promotional thingy, I'm not really sure what it was all about) and had a ball, except that I was too tiny for their dresses and we spent 45 minutes hemming a dress drastically so that I wouldn't trip.
So my job situation is something the readers of this blog can pray for me about.


Bev said...

Can't wait to see your new haircut! Mine's not too drastic, just a bit shorter with a heavy bang... getting nice compliments on it so I think it must look okay!!

The Book Worm said...

Can't wait too see yours too.