Monday, December 05, 2005

The study of organisms = -fun

So, I've been studying for my biology exam today. If I can get a 10% or higher on this exam, then my second midterm mark will be changed to that mark. I got a 26% on my second midterm. I don't mean to make exuses, but it was hard. I'm hoping for an 80%, but I'll be happy if I get a 60%.
I'm taking a break from the studying right at this moment and I don't really want to go back. A sibling of mine is playing a Lord of the Rings game that we could never get to work on our computer, but is working on the one our grandparents are letting us borrow. I want to play it now.


Rene said...

Oh my. The first time I read your subject, I thought 'organisms' was something else, and I almost choked on my orange juice.
Anyway, good luck Sa Rah Irania Baki! I know you'll ace your exams.

The Book Worm said...

You have a dirty mind.