Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thoughts from a Rainy May

Its been a while since my last update. I miss school and all its busyness. I would even welcome a paper or two to do. . . .well maybe not. Although I am enjoying my time at home, I am hoping to get a full time job soon so I can have more of a schedule. I like being busy I think.
The weather has been horrible during the last few days. Some sun and warm weather would be very welcome right now. Although I do like how green everything is getting because of the rain. I think there will be leaves on the trees very soon. I love watching nature come back to life in the spring. I love the colours of fall as well. I think spring and fall would have to be my favorite seasons. They are short, but very beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, I haven't fallen from the face of the Earth. I'm just always working, or sleeping. ....or both.

Glad to hear you had a good year, congrats on Damon, I knew you'd find a new fella ;)

Love that wacky Hallway Crue member, Matt