Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

So I had a huge suprise waiting for me after class today. Damon has also been walking around with a sign that says, "I Like Sarah" holding a rose all day. He is very sweet. Here's some pictures.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Is that a plant? How many flowers did he strew across your bed?
Happy Valentines day Sarah! Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow what a romantic man you have claimed. Seems like a keeper!!
Love ya, Victoria

Greg, Alisha & family said...

I totally think you need to hold on to him there aren't many men around these days that treat women that amazing wow how sweet! he sure isn't ashamed of liking you!

shauna marie said...

"I like Sarah"?! THAT'S AWESOME! I love it! miss ya' girl. hope things are well!