You know what really bugs me sometimes? Bugs that get into the ceiling lights in classrooms. (Get it? Bugs me and real bugs.) I don't know why, but it just gets on my nerves. Whenever I'm bored in class I sometimes look up and there they'll be. Sometimes there is at least ten or more. Dead in the light and taunting me. How do they even get in there anyway? It seems impossible. There are usually no holes in surrounding ceiling and no cracks in the light casing. It makes no sense. And why do they even go into the light anyway? Bugs are so dumb. Stupid flys. Didn't their mothers ever tell them not to play near the lights? Obviously mother flys are unfit to raise their own children if they aren't teaching this. I should call social services on them. "Hello? I am calling to report a case of unfit mothering. . . . her name is Mrs. Flee. . . .she's part of the house fly family. . . yes thats right. . .she isn't teaching her children to stay a way from classroom lights."
So now that I've shared, its your turn.
What really bugs you? (yes, this is a ploy to get some comments)
cockroaches. the little ones: the little black ones on host homes' floors, and when the host says, "I'm sorry, they've never been this bad before". That bugs me......... :P
what bugs me? not enough sleep! and it makes it even worse because I am tired and thinking about it so it would bug me even more because I would be cranky when I am tired! but really I guess a lot of things really bug me!
Something that normally irks me is when discount airlines make you buy your food and drink on their flights. (felt like I was going to faint due to thirst once on a jetsgo flight because I had no cash on me to purchase a beverage!)
you should have asked for ice cubes and let them melt.
People named Sarah who don't update their blog or hang out with me.
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