Do any of you realize how high parking garages really are. I felt so sick looking over the top of one yesterday. Not that I'm afraid of heights, but I guess I just let the idea of falling off get to me.
I ate at the Noodle House for the first time. There was nobody there and the waitress looked really happy to see some customers. The food wasn't that bad either, I was impressed. Although the pop was disgusting. Definetly fountain and not worth the $1.50 I paid for it.
Also watched Pride and Prejudice last night for

the first time. That is such a great movie! Now I am going to have to read the book. Why was I not born in that time period either? Would that not be that nicest thing ever? Dancing all the time and wearing those beautiful dresses? And the romance! (All the guys who are reading this are probably thinking right now that . . .well I don't know what they would be thinking. . .but I don't think its, "Yes Sarah, I agree with you!". . .anyways. . .little tangent there) Anyways, I was very impressed with the film.
And tomorrow I get to go see Gillian who is home finally!
So I will end by commenting on the weather which is very nice today. I am so happy to see the sun which has been non existent for about a week.
I love lamp.
Um, may I just say, that if you loved THAT version, you definitely need to get the A&E version, it's even beter, and actually, is much more accurate to the book. The book is A-MAZING: I'm glad that I saw the movie first though, haha, I love the language, but even I thought the book was a bit difficult. but yes, I agree with you. But back then, even just to be a "commoner", was hard, and looked down upon. So we wouldn't have quite the luxuries that they all have. but I agree. I love the manners and customs of the time. Basically: just men being gentleman. That's what I'm praying for! haha. love ya' girl!
Hey Sarah,
I just saw that movie on Good Friday, and I loved it too.
Guess what, I'm going to be back in PEI on May 1st and I'm so excited to see you. Best of luck with finishing up school and whatever else comes along your way!
Love Leanne
Hi Sarah.
woot for saturday!!!!
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