Thursday, March 02, 2006

So when somebody has B.O., the "O" usually stays with the "B". Once the "B" leaves, the "O" goes with it.

Ha ha Seinfeld. . .funny show. . .

So now that I'm finished with this random post. . .back to psychology homework.


shauna marie said...

ahh...phsyc. My book was over $125 American: how much was yours? And all that I remember from it was "the evolution of the brainstem"...and getting an A- on a psych paper on Schizophrenia. ahh...the "not so good" good ole days.

and hey: my family used to sit down and watch Seinfeld all the favorite? "Helllooo Jerry....Helloooo Newman"

The Book Worm said...

My book was around $110 Canadian. So not as much as yours.

Rene said...

Mmm, Seinfeld...