Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I baked bread!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Carved some pumpkins with some friends a couple nights ago. It was a good time and I was pleased with my happy face pumpkin except that he didn't want to stay lit when he was put out on Halloween night. The weather has been so cold and its been snowing a bit, so since my pumpkin had a big mouth, the candle kept being blown out.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Yum! Cookies.
I spent last night baking cookies. I made Double Chocolate Chip Cookies and I don't mind saying that they turned out perfectly. I was very happy about them and they recieved compliments from those who tried them. Bread is going to be my next venture. It will be fun to try anyway. If anyone one has some recipes you think I'd like to try, please don't hesitate to send them to me.
And now its time for me to get back to my reading.
And now its time for me to get back to my reading.
Friday, October 20, 2006
What a glorious day!
Today was amazing. I don't particualry know why, except it has just felt like a really good day. The best part was this evening at dance rehearsal. The director of the musical came in with some of the main cast guys to practice some jumps. I got paired up with a real tall guy which made things a bit more difficult, but once we got a hang of the lifts. . .WOW! I got so high! It was really cool. This one lift I was supposed to press down on his shoulders to help him hold me, but he was able to lift me so high that I couldn't reach them let alone press down on them. We probably weren't doing the lift properly, but it was still pretty cool. I laughed a lot.
This week is reading week. I am so excited to take a break from the business. I plan to either be in the library a lot getting a big chunk of my paper done for Pentateuch. My prof says I chose the hardest topic, which scares me, but he seems to be willing to give lots of adive and help, so thats good. He also said that those who did choose my topic and stuck with it, always handed in the best papers.
I also plan to spend a lot of time in the practice rooms here this week. I love practicing sometimes. It can be relaxing. I enjoy it a lot. Music is truly the best thing in the world.
So as ya'll can tell. I am enjoying myself. I definetly made the right choice in coming here. God has been so good.
Oh, and the picture is of what my dance shoes look like. They are character shoes. . .I've never danced in them before and its kinda scary getting used to them.
Friday, October 13, 2006

Here are my pictures from thanksgiving weekend. Things are going well here. I spent a lot of my day in the library trying to get some work done and I just got back from 2 hours and 45 minutes in the practice room (I am very impressed with my discipline). Oh and I also had my first nosebleed ever. It was so weird, my nose suddenly starting hurting and. . .whoosh!. . . blood comes gushing out. Doesn't that sound like a fun time? I can tell you it was a blast.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I hope you guys who celebrate it had a good Canadian Thanksgiving. I know I did. I went to my roommates home and chowed down on Turkey with her family. It was a really good weekend. I enjoyed it.
My pictures from this past weekend won't upload now, but I'll try them later.
My pictures from this past weekend won't upload now, but I'll try them later.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
My roomate

I have been blessed with the best roomate ever. We hit if off right away. God knew what he was doing when he matched us together, its going to be a fun year. I can't wait for thanksgiving when I get to go to her home and have some good food (cafeteria isn't the best).
The pictures are from today. We both were working on papers. I finally got mine done about a half hour ago. Now I need to shorten it.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Mes Trois Amis
Thursday, September 14, 2006
"For when I am to you more precious than all else;
when I have become more real to you than all else;
and when you love Me more than you love any other,
then shall you know complete satisfaction.
Your peace shall flow as a river,
and your joy shall overflow as a fountain,
and My glory shall be poured out as the fragrant anointing oil
upon all your relationships."
- Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts
Thank you so much for this book Grandma, I love it!
And now I must read the third chapter in my Introduction to Christian Theology Textbook. . ., eat some Goldfish, and drink tea (I am now officially a college student, living at home while going to university has nothing on this kind of life).
when I have become more real to you than all else;
and when you love Me more than you love any other,
then shall you know complete satisfaction.
Your peace shall flow as a river,
and your joy shall overflow as a fountain,
and My glory shall be poured out as the fragrant anointing oil
upon all your relationships."
- Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts
Thank you so much for this book Grandma, I love it!
And now I must read the third chapter in my Introduction to Christian Theology Textbook. . ., eat some Goldfish, and drink tea (I am now officially a college student, living at home while going to university has nothing on this kind of life).
Monday, September 11, 2006
Rewind like 20 times
So has anyone seen the movie Treasure Planet? And does anyone remember the part where Morph ( a cute pink blob that imitates things and people) says "we're dead! we're dead! we're dead! we're dead!". Was watching the movie last night and it had to be the funniest part. So go and watch it now. Haley (one of the girls I was watching it with) thought it was so funny she rewound the movie a few times to see it again. Yay for being way too hyper. I thought it was funny.
Anyways, i was going to post a picture, but as you can see that didn't happen. Oh well. I'm sure I'll post some soon.
Anyways, i was going to post a picture, but as you can see that didn't happen. Oh well. I'm sure I'll post some soon.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I'm Here
I'm at college everybody. I'll post in great detail later, but everything is going great so far. The campus is lovely and there are so many wonderful people. I love it!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I miss my cousins!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Rain Rain Go Away
Friday, August 11, 2006
Doing the Tourist thing
Monday, August 07, 2006

I'm visiting family right now. Its been fun. I haven't seen some of them for years. Today we did some shopping and then spent the rest of the afternoon in their pool. It was really nice. . .until I fell on my brothers head.
He was throwing me of his shoulders and I was diving backwards. We did it perfectly for the first few times and then my feet slipped or something. My back landed on his head. Its all good now, but I was so scared a first that I had really hurt him. Here's a picture of myself diving. Ignore the bum tan line.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Officially Angry
Friday, August 04, 2006
Tired with a capital T
Its been a great summer, but I will be glad to go to school and get into some kind of scheduled life. Lately I feel like I'm running around with my head cut off trying to get things done. Thats me though. Even though I complain about it, I think I like to be busy. The day feels more complete that way.
Alright. I'm rambling. But who wouldn't at10:30 at night.
Maybe this tired thing has nothing to do with being busy. Maybe I should go to bed.
Bed. . .now thats a novel idea.
Alright. I'm rambling. But who wouldn't at10:30 at night.
Maybe this tired thing has nothing to do with being busy. Maybe I should go to bed.
Bed. . .now thats a novel idea.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Carnies, Tan Lines and Other Stories
Well, I was working one day this week (hard to believe I know, but its true) and a group of guys comes up to the gate. Once they learned they had to be wearing trunks to get into the pool (thats right folks, no boxers alowed), they left to retreive their water apparel and unfortunatly came back. Not only did they come back with themsleves, but they brought a few other friends along with them. Wonderful. They were quite the group to see for sure. Pants barely on, slime stashes, cigarettes, etc.
Now there was one paticular fellow who decided that he'd like a girlfriend during his stay here. So at first he starts with me. Myself, being completely grossed out, ignores said fellow and sends him over to my co-worker. She being a bit more receptive, got the pleasure of being asked if she "digged carnies" and if she'd give him her number. I couldn't look at them for fear I would start laughing outloud and look like a lunatic. it was very funny though.
By the way, has anyone seen the movie rent. I'm not a fan of the story, but the music. . .WOW! Excellent. Its excellent. Watched that last night with Gill and Mike. . . poor Mike. . . I think he was ready to shoot himself by the end of it.
Thats all I have to report really, except for the fact that I cannot get rid of my bathing suit strap lines. Its like I'm striped brown and white. If I tanned orange I would be tiger. "The wonderful thing about tigers, is tigers are wonderful things. . ."
Ta ta for now!
Now there was one paticular fellow who decided that he'd like a girlfriend during his stay here. So at first he starts with me. Myself, being completely grossed out, ignores said fellow and sends him over to my co-worker. She being a bit more receptive, got the pleasure of being asked if she "digged carnies" and if she'd give him her number. I couldn't look at them for fear I would start laughing outloud and look like a lunatic. it was very funny though.
By the way, has anyone seen the movie rent. I'm not a fan of the story, but the music. . .WOW! Excellent. Its excellent. Watched that last night with Gill and Mike. . . poor Mike. . . I think he was ready to shoot himself by the end of it.
Thats all I have to report really, except for the fact that I cannot get rid of my bathing suit strap lines. Its like I'm striped brown and white. If I tanned orange I would be tiger. "The wonderful thing about tigers, is tigers are wonderful things. . ."
Ta ta for now!
Monday, July 17, 2006
The post where "work" is the most frequently used word
Sorry I haven't been updating lately. I just don't seem to have the time. I worked this past whole weekend and I work all this week, plus private lessons, plus babysitting. . .plus anything and everything else.
Thats really all thats going on in my life too. Just a whole lot of work.
V&A's wedding is coming up fast though. Hard to believe because I hardly ever see anyone anymore. Its almost like I'm away for the summer like every other year.
Speaking of coming up fast. . .I have to go to work now or I'll be late.
Thats really all thats going on in my life too. Just a whole lot of work.
V&A's wedding is coming up fast though. Hard to believe because I hardly ever see anyone anymore. Its almost like I'm away for the summer like every other year.
Speaking of coming up fast. . .I have to go to work now or I'll be late.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Google Earh
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Making millions!
Well life has been busy busy busy. I've been here there and everywhere working to make some money for my education fund. I think I'll be alright in the financial area this year, which will be suberb.
Other then that, there has been not too much going on. I've been reading Come Away My Beloved and really enjoying it (thank you grandparents). I might post some quotes from it sometime in the future.
I'll leave you with this profound revelation: Ask not what your fortune cookie can do for you, but what you can do for your fortune cookie.
Thank you and goodnight.
Other then that, there has been not too much going on. I've been reading Come Away My Beloved and really enjoying it (thank you grandparents). I might post some quotes from it sometime in the future.
I'll leave you with this profound revelation: Ask not what your fortune cookie can do for you, but what you can do for your fortune cookie.
Thank you and goodnight.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Musings of a bored student in her evening class. Part 2
An Epitaph
Here lies
a person
who was born
cried a lot and
became a kid
who played and learned
and soon
was grown up
and working
getting married
reproducing himself
and just living
then wrinkles appeared
in large amounts
the person was old
he retired
spoiled his grandchildren
and took his time
doing everything
of course, he died
here lies a person
who lived.
Here lies
a person
who was born
cried a lot and
became a kid
who played and learned
and soon
was grown up
and working
getting married
reproducing himself
and just living
then wrinkles appeared
in large amounts
the person was old
he retired
spoiled his grandchildren
and took his time
doing everything
of course, he died
here lies a person
who lived.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
A rant. by me
You know what really bugs me sometimes? Bugs that get into the ceiling lights in classrooms. (Get it? Bugs me and real bugs.) I don't know why, but it just gets on my nerves. Whenever I'm bored in class I sometimes look up and there they'll be. Sometimes there is at least ten or more. Dead in the light and taunting me. How do they even get in there anyway? It seems impossible. There are usually no holes in surrounding ceiling and no cracks in the light casing. It makes no sense. And why do they even go into the light anyway? Bugs are so dumb. Stupid flys. Didn't their mothers ever tell them not to play near the lights? Obviously mother flys are unfit to raise their own children if they aren't teaching this. I should call social services on them. "Hello? I am calling to report a case of unfit mothering. . . . her name is Mrs. Flee. . . .she's part of the house fly family. . . yes thats right. . .she isn't teaching her children to stay a way from classroom lights."
So now that I've shared, its your turn.
What really bugs you? (yes, this is a ploy to get some comments)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Musings of a bored student in her evening class
I'm right and your wrong
that's just the way it is
I know, you don't
because I was told so
by someone who should know
of course I did my research
I read a book or two
but found the authors
completely wrong
and didn't
see the point
anyway, the point is
that what I say is true
shall we end this
silly debate
I promise to forgive
your ignorance
Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
When this old day is over
I plan to sleep
although distractions
I will find
once my lids can no longer be lifted
I will crawl into bed
and let Morpheus
grant me sweet slumber
in return for my dreams
for dreams disturb
my rest
and rest I need
to begin again
a new day
I'm right and your wrong
that's just the way it is
I know, you don't
because I was told so
by someone who should know
of course I did my research
I read a book or two
but found the authors
completely wrong
and didn't
see the point
anyway, the point is
that what I say is true
shall we end this
silly debate
I promise to forgive
your ignorance
Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
When this old day is over
I plan to sleep
although distractions
I will find
once my lids can no longer be lifted
I will crawl into bed
and let Morpheus
grant me sweet slumber
in return for my dreams
for dreams disturb
my rest
and rest I need
to begin again
a new day
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Baked potatoes. . .yummy!
Today was baked potatoe day at the school and for a mere $2.00 I got one with the works. It was very good.
So I'm taking piano lessons and. . .well. . .I'm very rusty. Its very embarrasing that I am so bad at playing the instrument. Oh well, I'll be taking a whole course on it at school and hopefully I'll get better.
Turned on the t.v. last week to see what was on and happened to catch the first episode of So You Think You Can Dance of the season. Its on tonight and I'm looking forward to watching it. Its the equivalent to American Idol except that its a dance competition and not a singing one. There are some really great dancers out there. It makes me miss taking dance classes and wish I had started dancing when I was younger.
So I'm taking piano lessons and. . .well. . .I'm very rusty. Its very embarrasing that I am so bad at playing the instrument. Oh well, I'll be taking a whole course on it at school and hopefully I'll get better.
Turned on the t.v. last week to see what was on and happened to catch the first episode of So You Think You Can Dance of the season. Its on tonight and I'm looking forward to watching it. Its the equivalent to American Idol except that its a dance competition and not a singing one. There are some really great dancers out there. It makes me miss taking dance classes and wish I had started dancing when I was younger.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Good afternoon!
Well it has been a great week so far.
This past weekend was spent at a retreat. That was fun and I really enjoyed the speaking. The theme was Seeing and Serving the Savior and therefore messages were a lot about getting to know God. The theme verse was Philippians 3:10.
On Monday I watched the season finale of 24 with some friends. I enjoyed it, but I guess it could have been better. I'm wondering what they will come up with for the next season.
Tuesday I had class and wrote my first test of the semester. I think I did alright. I answered every question and I think I most likely got around 85% or a 90%. I'll find out tonight anyway. After class I went out to Tims with some friends. We had a good conversation and I hope we can do it again sometime. It gave me something to look forward to while I was listening to the prof ramble on about poetry.
I didn't bother watching American Idol last night. I didn't really want Taylor to win. I think Chris should have made it to the finale. I also didn't watch Lost because I had forgotten to tape it. I know someone who taped it though so hopefully I can borrow it from her. I'm hearing that it was a good ending for the season.
This past weekend was spent at a retreat. That was fun and I really enjoyed the speaking. The theme was Seeing and Serving the Savior and therefore messages were a lot about getting to know God. The theme verse was Philippians 3:10.
On Monday I watched the season finale of 24 with some friends. I enjoyed it, but I guess it could have been better. I'm wondering what they will come up with for the next season.
Tuesday I had class and wrote my first test of the semester. I think I did alright. I answered every question and I think I most likely got around 85% or a 90%. I'll find out tonight anyway. After class I went out to Tims with some friends. We had a good conversation and I hope we can do it again sometime. It gave me something to look forward to while I was listening to the prof ramble on about poetry.
I didn't bother watching American Idol last night. I didn't really want Taylor to win. I think Chris should have made it to the finale. I also didn't watch Lost because I had forgotten to tape it. I know someone who taped it though so hopefully I can borrow it from her. I'm hearing that it was a good ending for the season.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Blueberry pancakes and lots of white toast!
Went for brunch this morning with Leanne. The food was delish (of course I usually think food is good, unless its beats or squash) and we had a good time talking.
Volunteered in the afternoon at my Dad's school. Last time I was with the special needs kids and today I was in resource. Who knew that I could remember what integers were and how to multiply them?
I'm also tutoring now. Thats a lot of fun actually. I enjoy preparing what I'm going to do with kids I tutor. The youngest is really cute. Always telling me that its time for me to go home (smart kid, but can't sit still for long periods of time).
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Pics of highschool friends

Hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I graduated from highschool. Here are some pictures of our mini reunion. Unfortunatly there are many others who frequented the hallway that couldn't attend. We missed them all and discussed shoes we were wearing (or in my case the lack thereof) in somber memory of those who weren't with us.
Here are the pictures of the evening.

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