Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New school year

Hello everyone who might still read this thing. Thanks to Facebook, blogs have been thrown to the wayside and forgotten about. I've almost forgotten about mine.
Well I'm back at school and loving it. I think this will be a great semester. Already I am busy. I got into a small choir that I had been wanting to be in. This is exciting because it is harder to get into. There is a lot of musical talent here. I also just auditioned for the Christmas Musical again. I know I will get in as a dancer if nothing else, but will be pleased to have a role. It is a lot of fun to be a part of.
My classes seem to be good. Especially my Vocal Master Class. That will be hard, but rewarding I think.
Damon and I went to his hometown last weekend to visit his family and pick pumpkins. Here are some pictures of that and our time with some friends who we hung out a lot with last year. They have a new baby boy.
Looking forward to what God has for me this year. I hope it will be a year of growing again. I want to learn more of what he has for my life. Pray that I won't get distracted by my ever expanding commitments.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thoughts from a Rainy May

Its been a while since my last update. I miss school and all its busyness. I would even welcome a paper or two to do. . . .well maybe not. Although I am enjoying my time at home, I am hoping to get a full time job soon so I can have more of a schedule. I like being busy I think.
The weather has been horrible during the last few days. Some sun and warm weather would be very welcome right now. Although I do like how green everything is getting because of the rain. I think there will be leaves on the trees very soon. I love watching nature come back to life in the spring. I love the colours of fall as well. I think spring and fall would have to be my favorite seasons. They are short, but very beautiful.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm back folks

Damon and I
The Thrilling Three
Corner Gas!
Grandpa and Grandma came down to visit and took Damon and I out for supper. It was nice to see them.

Exams are over and I'm back for the summer. Here are some pictures of my last days at school.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Night in the City

Captain Damon and me.

Its ahh. . .not so much uh pretty goood

The lovely ladies
A few days ago a group of us dressed up and went out to eat and then went to a movie. Lots of fun. Plus the food was amazingly good.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Spring is on its way

Super warm day out yesterday. Therefore some friends and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

So I had a huge suprise waiting for me after class today. Damon has also been walking around with a sign that says, "I Like Sarah" holding a rose all day. He is very sweet. Here's some pictures.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Introducing. . .

Its been a few weeks since I updated. Things are going great here at school. I love my classes this semester. Even my fourth year vocal pedgogy class, although it still seems crazy that I'm taking it. It isn't a whole lot of work, but it is still very demanding.
I'm also taking dance classes which I am very much enjoying of course. Its a lot of fun and I believe we are doing a recital at the end of the semester, which should be good.

I also have some exciting news. I think its exciting anyway, cause I am very excited about it. I happen to have a boyfriend now! His name is Damon and he's a great guy. We've been dating since friday. I've known him since the fall and he's become a great friend.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lazy Sunday

I love days where there isn't much to do. Today was one of those days. I did a little bit of everything and got nothing done. I read, played the piano, listened to muisc, had an excellent conversation and did very little homework. All in all it was a most wonderful day.

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm back at School

I had a really nice Christmas break for a couple of weeks. I was able to see some friends and spend a lot of time with my family. I really enjoyed it. I am very glad to be back at a school though. I've had one class already and am looking forward to my other ones.