Monday, January 31, 2005

Exams are driving me CRAZY

In the six years that I have had some sort of exam, I don't think that I have ever studied so hard. I've been going for 7 hours straight at a time without looking up from my books. I don't think this is healthy. Hopefully its paying off though. My first two exams, Math and English, went really well and I'm actually excited to see my results. I have two more tomorrow, French and Poly Sci. I'm less confident about those. Oh well. No one can stay I haven't studied.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Getting tired of snow.

As much a I love snow days, I've decided that we have had too many. The three storms that we've had so far combined have given my tiny Island over 100 centimeters in snow. I had to shoval the other day! Usualy my bothers and my dad just do it themselves, but it was too much for them. my penname is Singing Sarah. Go check out my stories and review. It would make me very happy.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

A Good Book

Good books today are very hard to find. Most books written today seem to be all the same in content. It gets very annoying when you can predict the ending of novels like you can a movie. *Sigh* What is happening to the world of literature?

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Snow Storm Tomorrow

There's supposed to be a huge blizzard tomorrow! Which means no school! I'm so excited! *deep breath* I don't like shooting games. What is the point?

Monday, January 03, 2005

School Again

Why? Why? WHY? Why must I go back to school tomorrow? Why? I'm praying for a BIG freak snow storm. I'm not ready to go back. I don't want to write exams. At least Suessical starts in Feb. That will be fun rehearsing for. It will make second semester go by quicker! I still don't want to go back though.