Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mes Trois Amis

So here three of the girls I hang out with here at Briercrest. I am so blessed to have found a group of friends right away. In this picture we were "studying". It was a beautiful day.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"For when I am to you more precious than all else;
when I have become more real to you than all else;
and when you love Me more than you love any other,
then shall you know complete satisfaction.
Your peace shall flow as a river,
and your joy shall overflow as a fountain,
and My glory shall be poured out as the fragrant anointing oil
upon all your relationships."

- Come Away My Beloved by Frances J. Roberts

Thank you so much for this book Grandma, I love it!

And now I must read the third chapter in my Introduction to Christian Theology Textbook. . ., eat some Goldfish, and drink tea (I am now officially a college student, living at home while going to university has nothing on this kind of life).

Monday, September 11, 2006

Rewind like 20 times

So has anyone seen the movie Treasure Planet? And does anyone remember the part where Morph ( a cute pink blob that imitates things and people) says "we're dead! we're dead! we're dead! we're dead!". Was watching the movie last night and it had to be the funniest part. So go and watch it now. Haley (one of the girls I was watching it with) thought it was so funny she rewound the movie a few times to see it again. Yay for being way too hyper. I thought it was funny.
Anyways, i was going to post a picture, but as you can see that didn't happen. Oh well. I'm sure I'll post some soon.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'm Here

I'm at college everybody. I'll post in great detail later, but everything is going great so far. The campus is lovely and there are so many wonderful people. I love it!